Sunday, March 11, 2012

assalamualaikum...miis umy blog :)

salam guys...
utk beberapa lama...(i think its about a year..or more??hehe) i updated my blog..despite updating my blog,i refer to read others is not my passion anyway..kui3..

but today..i make a decision to update my blog..and currently,i'm in 2nd semester of BLS in uitm...never thought that i can passed my foundation and my 1st sem...if u read my second post in this blog,u will know why....

my foundation session..although i'm not in the crowd of the dean lists...i got 3 pointer..but seriously i really thought that i can at least get 3.3 something....but...that was it...atleast i g0t 3.67 for my law subjects..alhamdulillah

for the 1st sem.....i really2 feel weirdo...i got 3.12..and passed all the papers...i thought i will fail atleast 1 paper...but..thanks to Allah,lecturers,family, n my friends....i got through it...truthfully, i'm not answered my final exam with good answers...but..that was it...and i really feel gratefully with my result..

okay bm time.. (not really comfortable with english actually..but practice makes perfect rite??hehe)

di uitm ni...aku bersyukur sgt2 aku dpt kwan2 cam amin(my 'twin..hehe), afiq, shauqi, helmy, idzard, suhairi n ramai lg..diorg ni la tmpt aku bergntung harap dalam mencari sinar keredhaan Allah....selalu ajak aku g masjid/surau...join usrah..dgr tazkirah.dan mcam2 lg....kitorg selalu berborak2 tntg sesuatu perkara...dan bergurau senda...for example sapa yg akan kawen dulu..haha

ckap bab kawen..mstilah msok bab jodoh kan..sapa yg xska tajuk ni...haha...aku selalu igt jodoh ni akan dtg sendiri maka aku xperlu abg hilal pgasas kata klau xperlu usaha cari jodoh lpas ni makan tggu je mkanan tu masok dlm mulut....mknanya still kena cari xperlu smpi kapel2,pgg tgn......juz cari..dah jumpa...aku sbgi lelaki must be gentleman..jumpa parents dia....and aku kena bersedia dari segenap segi....sbb tu aku amek pgurusan keluarga sbg koko aku..haha..ok xde kaitan :P

tp aku admit..nak cari jodoh yg baik bkan sng..sbnrnya kat uitm ni ramai je yg crita lah..hehe...

jumpa this muslimah...already know her background(i think) lpas bca dia punya blog...aku xjd nak amek second step (i'm a very good stalker u know..haha)..dia mnat org len kot berdasarkan apa yg dia post kat blog dia..and my friend also become her 'fan'... aku xkesah...well,nama pun dalam proses mncari kan..hehe...and aku xtaw nape..aku sgt respek muslimah yg pndi bwak motor...pelik btol aku ni haha.....and dia salah sorgnya la.... a conclusion..dari citer psal result smpi bab jodoh ni...i really2 need Allah's guidance for me to stay on the right path.....ngeri bila dgr kadg2 bilal surau pun boleh murtad...mnum arak, etc... semoga Allah hidupkan n matikan kita sbgi org yg beriman..ameen...